1, the process of cleaning the basic level to the bottom surface of the waterproof layer of the Yin and yang angle of the complex parts of the construction of reinforced cloth to brush the middle layer of waterproof layer to the surface of the waterproof layer
2、施工方法 2, construction method
①下層清理:先用鏟刀和笤帚及工具將下層外觀的突起物、砂漿或疙瘩等鏟除并將塵土雜物清掃干凈。 The basic cleaning: first with the shovel and broom and tools will protuberances, grassroots surface mortar or bumps and dust debris clean out.
②涂刷底面屋頂防水層:由專人負責稱取材料配制,分別稱出配料所用的液料、粉料、水,用手提電動攪拌器攪拌均勻,使其不含有未分解的粉料。 Brushing the bottom surface of the waterproof layer: by the person responsible for the preparation of materials, respectively, said the ingredients used in the liquid material, powder, water, with a hand-held electric mixer mixing evenly, so that it does not contain non decomposed powder.
③用滾刷或油漆刷均勻地涂刷底層,不得漏底,一樣平常用量為0.3~0.4kg/㎡。待涂層干固后,才能進行下道工序。 The brush or paint brush evenly bottom, no leakage, the general dosage is 0.3 ~ 0.4kg/ square meters. When the coating is dry, the next process can be carried out.
3、涂刷JS屋頂防水層 將配制好的屋頂防水涂料均勻涂刷在下層外觀,每層涂刷量以0.8~1.0kg/㎡為宜多遍涂刷,直到達到涂膜厚度要求。
3, JS waterproof paint brushing waterproof layer will be prepared evenly on the surface of the base, brushing per layer to 0.8 ~ 1.0kg/ square meters should be many times before brushing, until it reaches the film thickness requirements. The coating should note the following: if the liquid precipitation should be evenly stirred; the coating should be as uniform as possible, local deposition can not, can not be too thick or too thin, there are bubbles left between the coating and the base, tight bond. The coating must be in accordance with the provisions of the amount of each material, the thinnest of not less than 1.2mm. The coating is hardened after heat curing immediately, ensure the coating to prevent wet powder.
4、可用時間: 在液料:粉料:水=10:20:0~2,環境溫度為20℃的條件下,涂料可用時間約3h,F場環境溫度低,可用時間長些;反之短些。已配好的屋頂防水材料過稠硬時,不可再加水拌和使用。 (6)施工部位要求: 根據我方設計,屋面接縫處采用JS復合屋頂防水涂料進行涂刷密封,對于管根、地漏、陰陽角等特別部位采用加筋布進行增強處理。
4, available time: in the liquid material: Powder: water =10:20:0 ~ 2, the ambient temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the coating can be used about 3h. Low environmental temperature, available for a long time. With a good waterproof material is too thick, can not be mixed with water. (6) construction site requirements: according to our design, the roof joint using JS composite waterproof paint brushing seal for the special parts of root canal, ditch, yin and yang angle reinforced with fabric reinforcement.
5、質量要求: 屋頂防水層施工完畢后,應認真檢查整個工程的各個部分,分外是微弱環節,發現題目,及時修復,涂層不應有裂紋、翹邊、鼓泡、分層等征象。
5, quality requirements: waterproof layer after the completion of the construction, should carefully check the whole project of each part, especially the weak link, found the problem, timely repair, coating should not have cracks, curling, bubbling, layered and so on.